Monday, August 31, 2009

How Omega3 Oils Can Significantly Improve Your Health and Mental Well-Being

Another useful omega 3 oils article from Rich Hawkins the dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high quality fish oil, about the lack of omega3 oils in our body and how it effects our health.

The sad fact is over 90% of us are deficient in these essential omega3 oils, as they must come from our diet. This is a startling figure as they can provide such a wealth of health benefits as to be unrivaled by any other natural substance.

These omega3 oils are the good polyunsaturated ones you hear about and the best source is oily fish but in recent years only one or two portions a week has been recommended because of the contamination.

These are contaminants like mercury, lead, PCB's and arsenic and the reason why experts agree that a quality supplement is the perfect solution and one responsible for saving thousands of lives each year, but more on that later.

The two main omega3 fatty acids are DHA and EPA, with DHA delivering most of the benefits according to the latest research. What can these omega3 oils help with?

Prevention of heart disease and strokes, lowering of high blood pressure, treatment of arthritis, lower cholesterol, maintaining correct brain health and mental well-being and helping in the fight against prostate and breast cancer to name a few!

New studies are showing how they can slow down or halt age related eye disease which affects many people over fifty and these fish oils for skin health really help to keep the skin supple and smooth and stop the signs of aging.

Research has shown how beneficial they are for the brain and mental health and considering over 30% of our brains are composed of DHA fats, that's no surprise. Other studies have shown that omega3 oils can reduce the severity of schizophrenia by over 25%.

With so many products out there, the key is to know what to look for to get the safest and purest oil.

Always look for a high DHA content as most have more EPA as it's cheaper to make. I would recommend at least 250mg of DHA in each tablet with a 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA for the maximum results.

Molecular distillation is also vital to remove those toxins I mentioned earlier and these are sometimes known as pharmaceutical grade as well. Check out the website or label to see the individual omega3 fatty acid levels and to ensure they have been distilled for your safety.

To help you maintain optimum health now and to avoid many of the diseases later on in life, taking daily fish omega3 oils will help you to do just that, reaping all the rewards with none of the risks.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

Discover the best omega3 oils today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the very latest and effective DHA omega-3 fish oil supplements that Rich recommends after extensive research.

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Drink Water to Lose Weight?

This article by Frederik Deglande will reveal the effect of drinking water to our weight loss program. Be sure to read this good article..

Water or H2O is the blue source of all life on earth. There are tens and tens marks of water with or without bubbles in bottles, cans. Not only do we drink water but we are using it day and night.

For the dishwasher, if we take a bad, if we go to the toilet and so on and so on.

Did you know that more than 70% of the earth consist off water. And I have all reasons to believe that water will become a key element for wars in the future.
When I talk further about water I mean drinking water.

Lose weight with water

I will come straight to the point no matter what people have told you, you won’t lose weight with drinking water.

But when you are following a weight losing diet it is essential to drink a lot of water.

- Water doesn’t contain calories.

- If you follow a diet there is a change that your body contains to less minerals. By drinking water you can solve this problem.

- Water replaces a snack to get even more effect drink your water in small mouthful’s.
- If you drink water your brains will believe that your stomach is full. A very necessary tip when it comes to weight loss.

Water helps to speed up the body metabolism that is the conversion of food into energy.

Some tips to lose weight with water.

- Drink more than one and a half litter of water in a day this is equal to six or eight glasses.
If you drink less water it won’t help you to lose weight.

- Water has a boring taste, you can buy water with fruit extracts on it and no this is not lemonade. Or of course you can add some juice from an orange or lemon yourself.

- Drink water from the bottle and not from a glass, I know your parents have told you otherwise but if you drink water from a bottle you will drink much more.

- Put a bottle of water on at least four common places where you spend your time. Kitchen, living, your sleeping room a your office for example.

- If your urine has a dark colour it means that you will have to drink more.
Although some people can have dark urine trough taking medicines.

- Do not drink ice cold water you can have some problems with your stomach.

You have read now how water will help you with losing weight.
Now grab a bottle of water drink from it and enjoy it.

    The medical industry is scamming you.
    A weight loss expert is revealing it all in his free report.

    Visit my blog to get your instant copy of it, hurry up while it is still free.

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Healthy Food Intake - Nutritious and Delicious Foods for Your Health

Eating healthily doesn't have to mean eating tastelessly. To the contrary, gourmet food has now taken on a whole new meaning in delicious health. It is no secret that the American diet is lacking in quality nutrients. Obesity levels continue to climb to levels unforeseen. 100% preventable diseases take their toll on progressively more and more people every year. There has been a terrible shift from the household kitchen to the local fast food "restaurant" as the primary source of our dietary intake. It is time to break the habit! It's time to take back our health.

Many people erroneously consider healthy food to be bland food. We have good news! Healthy eating doesn't have to mean sitting in front of a plate full of raw vegetables and munching away until your teeth hurt; there is a better way! Because of the epidemic of malnutrition and food intake patterns loaded with saturated fats, there has been an amazing demand for the development of dietary choices that are not only delectable, but packed full of high-quality nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids and other life-enhancing elements.

You need to know what to cut out and what to make sure to include in your food intake regimen. You have to understand why "diets" fail. You need to embrace a shift in the way that you look at food. Let's examine some of the foods that we need to avoid and some alternatives for them. When you think about each of the following foods, really consider how it feels to eat them. Think about how your body feels after you eat them. Here we go:

Ø Deep Fried Foods

o Consider this: fried foods are placed in a cooking dish filled with artery-clogging fats. Your meal-to-be bathes in these oils - soaking them in deeply. The probabilities for contracting heart disease and cancer are both highly accentuated by the ingestion of deep fried foods. The human body is not meant to have to constantly endeavor to detoxify and metabolize such outrageous amounts of fats. Steam, boil, broil, bake or grill your foods instead.

Ø Processed Foods

o Our marvelous human bodies are designed to benefit from the foods that nature provides us - not what a laboratory does. Processed foods contain very little to no actual nutritional matter. Chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fillers and fats are what you eat when you eat processed foods. Besides starving the body of what it requires for health, you are loading it with more elements to detoxify. Just because we have livers and kidneys to purify ourselves doesn't mean that we have to work them to death! Concentrate on consuming the limitless food choices that have no labels. Food that is good for you is just being itself!

Ø White Sugar, White Flour - Anything Bleached

o It has been known (and overlooked) for decades that bleached foods are not only emptied of nutrients, they are detrimental to our systems. They also lack flavor. They are void of nutrients and filled (again) with elements for your body to have to fight to assimilate. Consider raw sugar - sweet and wonderful. Opt for whole grain flour and breads. They are loaded with amino acids and other very necessary nutrients that our bodies have to have in order to function, heal, repair, grow and sustain our lives. Choose long grain, wild rice. There are endless, delicious varieties from all over the planet!

Your health is only for you to protect. As much as anyone may love you, they are helpless to ensure your health. Embrace a mental change in the way that you perceive food. Change the ways that you prepare your food. Get back into the kitchen of your home and stay away from the fast food restaurants. Ingest food sources that are water-rich (like fruits and vegetables). Avoid high-fat foods like bacon and lasagna. Teach yourself to modify your favorite dishes to be healthful instead of hurtful.
Healthy eating doesn't just taste better; it is so much better for you.

Begin to enjoy and elongate your life through healthy food intake choices today and remember what it is to feel vibrant!

Alan M Roberts is a fulltime freelance writer and web developer. He is always available for consultation through his web site at

Also check out:
Visit him there often and find reasons to live!

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Get Stronger With Healthy Food And Have A Body You Can Be Proud Of

A healthy food regime consists of good nutritional diet that supplements the basic need of body. It supplies the appropriate amount of energy and sufficient raw materials to keep the body healthy. It also provides anti-oxidants that make people feel young and be proud of looking great. Having fair idea of why the body requires healthy food, the next thing is to know more about healthy food and eating methods of healthy food, in order to attain stronger body.

Healthy Food for Stronger Body:

Food in natural state: The food helps to build stronger body. Fresh fruits, apples and berries are good for satisfying the desire for sweets. Vegetables of all kinds such a green, yellow and orange are rich in vitamins and minerals. Steamed vegetables retain the nutritional value of the vegetables. Avoid calorie rich sauces and fats. High calorie foods are not good for health.

Fish, Chicken and Meat: To attain a stronger body, serve seafood two or three times a week. Ocean fish consists of essential fatty acids that are usually deficient in the healthy diet. Prefer baked chicken and fish rather than fried ones. The lean meat such as venison or bison is healthier than beef, which is rich in fat.

Processed bacon, lunchmeat, sausages and hot dogs contain plenty of junk, which the body does not require. Even if anybody wants to have such meats, then probably they can go for healthier versions that are available at health food departments.

Avoid Non-nutritional food: White bread and noodles are made of flour that is not good for health. The flour does not contain nutritional content. Moreover, the high starch content of white bread affects the sugar level of the blood quicker than a regular sugar. In addition, sugary pastries and snacks, apple pie are non-nutritional items, which are not good for health. It is essential that pasta or baked items have to be made from whole grains.

Benefits of Variety in Food & Water:

Some people are very much sensitive to frequently eaten food. Therefore, such people have to break the habit and start eating a variety in food to achieve stronger body. Consume various kinds of grains. Spelt is a better substitute for wheat. Prefer to have almond or rice milk rather than cow's milk. People have to eat variety of food even if they do not like it.

Drink plenty of water and limit beverages such as soft drinks. If individuals are tired of drinking plain water, add some lime or lemon slice to it. Serve kids with some fruit juice with carbonated water. Even green and herbal tea can be good substitute for water. However, avoid excess of caffeine.

Avoid Skipping Meals:

Skipping breakfast brings down the energy level by midmorning. It is better to split the breakfast in half than skipping it. It helps greatly by eating breakfast early such as oatmeal, egg or whole grain bread. Snacks such as almonds and raisins also benefit the health greatly. The split breakfast provides better solution than going for candy bars or coffee, and retains the energy level to feel good and fresh.

About The Author
Silvia Goodman is a successful writer. She has decided to pen down her researches and thoughts and share them for the common benefit. Check out her new report where she Reveals How to Bring Healthy Food in to Your Life Before It's Too Late!

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Take Control Of Your Body With A Healthy Food Diet

A healthy food diet is beneficial for everyone. It is important to take care of your body and if you eat well, you will reap the good benefits. A healthy diet does not need to be boring! It should be tasty, balanced and exciting. If you get bored with a diet, you will quickly abandon it!

A healthy food diet is a life eating plan rather than a short term fad diet (fad diets do not work because your body does not get all its required nutrients and you end up with hunger pangs and cravings).

To work best, the body needs carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and liquids. A good selection of vegetables, fruits, grains and proteins is necessary and eating regular meals rather than just one huge one is better for you.

Eating well reduces the risk of illnesses such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. A poor diet can result in obesity, lethargy and spotty skin. A good diet will help you maintain a healthy weight which is a big factor in overall health.

The body works like a machine in a way – if you put good, healthy foods in, it will look and perform better.

Examples of healthy foods include vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, nuts and whole grain products.

Foods containing carbohydrates which raise your blood sugar abruptly (like white bread, donuts or instant mashed potato) will cause a sharp energy spike followed by a rapid drop. This makes you hungry again soon after eating, rather than satisfying you. This makes you crave more unhealthy food.

Not being a good cook or not having the time is not an excuse! It is possible to have healthy food delivered to your door, either fresh ingredients or prepared meals.

You can also make a batch of healthy stew or a stir fry and refrigerate or freeze the remainder to quickly heat through for another day when you have less time. If you have eaten mainly frozen dinners in the past, you might find you actually enjoy cooking and being creative! It can be a lot of fun to experiment with cooking.

Because a good diet should be balanced, you can still have treats.

It is a bad idea to deprive yourself totally of your favorite foods so the occasional slice of chocolate cake is fine. You don’t need to cut anything out completely. You can, however, make good choices and substitute one food choice for another.

Changes should be made gradually. You can begin by introducing more fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet, and perhaps swapping white processed bread for a whole grain bread.

If you normally deep fry a lot of food, try baking or grilling it instead.

Check the labels on foods you like and you might be surprised at the amount of added salt, sugar or unnecessary fillers they contain.

Your body gets used to a new eating regime within a couple of weeks so you will find you don’t miss eating all the junk foods you did before. A healthy food diet is essential to maintain good health and keep you feeling great.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Excavate the Root Cause of Your Health Problems

No man on this earth is leading a perfect life. Every one has some or the other problem but then it is seen that as individual difference occurs so even the problems differ to person to person, but one of the common problem is health problems. It is seen that people have various problem but then this problem is something which is common among people. Again here you will see different types of ailments but then at the end of the day you will see that whatever be your health problems you are faced with depression and anxiety.

It is something which is desired by none but then the fact is that it is an indispensable aspect of your life. There are various types of health issues and you can be the prey of any one of them but the main point is this makes your life dull. But the practical thing is that when you will start working against the causes that is giving pain and decorating your health. There are various solutions but one of the most workable solutions is taking nutritious health supplement.

Fight back all health problems with relevant nutrition Vitamins:

Now you don't need to worry as how to get a healthy life as a proper research will let you know that healthy supplements if taken in a routinised basis will help you to lead a healthy life. There are various ways to keep yourself fit and fine but the main point is that again here you tend to choose different ways and means. Vitamins are the basic thing that really help you to be in the best mode if your health.

The various types of vitamins or health supplements are as follows:

• Neo natural general vita- It is an excellent for people who have nervous and brain related problems. It is the right supplement that you need as it gives a hike and make you more energised
• Natural Energy- As in this hectic life you tend to get stressed out so you need to give a strong nutrient for your health. This kind of health supplement if taken on a regular basis can give a healthy lifestyle
• Neuro natural General- If you facing cholesterol problem then this is the right medicine you should take neuro natural to get the rid of cholesterol problem

Therefore, it is seen that to lead a healthy life it is the best way to have such nutrient supplement everyday. But you need to have a clear idea about the different vitamins and its usage in order to live a vigorous life. So, now you can change the fact that no man is happy as if you healthy then you will be equally active by mind. So, now make nutrient vita part and parcel of your life to be happy and live an energetic life. Now, with vita you can say a goodbye too all your health problems.

For any help on Health problems, check out the info available online, these will help you learn to find the Health problems an instant go!

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Steroid Cycling - Is It Safe?

Most of the body builders inject steroids to their body periodically, do you really know about this drugs? Is it safe to your body and your future? Read this important article by Bob Howard before your first steroid injection.

As expected it wasn’t long after bodybuilders began using anabolic steroids in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s that they discovered that the safest and most effective way to use the drugs was by steroid cycling. Because of different goals bodybuilders generally follow different guidelines than other athletes when it comes to cycling. Bodybuilders use steroids for two main reasons; to promote dramatic increases in muscle mass and to decrease their bodyfat percentages. The other benefits of steroids such as endurance, stamina, and strength, are secondary and while important for training purposes, play little role on a bodybuilding stage.

For most bodybuilders cycling means rotating periods of steroid use with periods of nonuse. We say most as many bodybuilders competing at the national and professional levels seldom come off the drugs. For most of these individuals an “off” phase doesn’t mean not using steroids; it just means lower amounts. There is rarely a point during the year when these bodybuilders let the drugs clear completely out of their systems. It’s high dosages followed by low to moderate dosages indefinitely.

Why Cycle?

The main reason why bodybuilders cycle steroids is to try and reduce the risk of developing serious side effects. As with most drugs it’s well known that the risk of developing side effects greatly increases with the length of time the person is on steroids. A short, 6 to 8 week cycle will probably not produce any serious side effects, but as we saw earlier, most bodybuilders don’t limit themselves to such short durations. They stay on the drugs for months if not years at a time. It’s not surprising then that many of these same individuals start experiencing medical problems.

A second reason why bodybuilders and other athletes follow steroid cycling is to try and beat drug tests. Bodybuilders had no worries back in the 1950’s and 1960’s, as a test for steroids wasn’t developed until the mid 1970’s. Even then the first tests were easy to beat. It wasn’t long, however, before the testers had closed the gap. By alternating periods of steroid usage with non-usage many athletes can often pass their drug test on contest day.

A third reason for cycling steroids is to boost their effectiveness. Most bodybuilders report that they make their best gains during the first 4 to 6 weeks of usage and the effects then gradually diminish over time. The reason for this is that their systems were not used to the drugs. But with each successive cycle their steroid receptors build tolerance to the drugs and become less responsive. This is one of the primary reason why heavy users stay on the drugs – small amounts just don’t produce significant results anymore.

The problem with Cycling

Even though most intelligent bodybuilders realize that cycling is the way to go, it’s still not risk free. Because of genetics some individuals are very sensitive to the effects of steroids. Even by cycling the drugs they may still develop medical problems. No one knows exactly how a drug will react in a person’s body until he starts taking it. By then it may be too late.

Steroid cycling is also no longer a guaranteed method for passing drug tests. Science has made the tests more sophisticated and many steroids can be traced as far back as 18 months from their last usage. Even some of the supposedly fast clearing oral drugs are being detected in drug tests.

A final consideration for avoiding steroids is their current status as illegal drugs. Even if an athlete cycled steroids to beat a drug test and reduce the risk of side effects, the bottom line is that as of the early 1990’s, steroid laws have made anabolic steroids illegal substances.

Legal alternatives!

With all the risks associated with steroids, bodybuilders should check out the various legal steroid analogs that are available. Users report that many of these products are just as powerful and as effective at increasing muscle size as their illegal and potentially dangerous cousins.

© Bob Howard 04/07/2006

Bob Howard expert on bodybuilding and steroids. Are you looking for more of his steroid cycling articles?© Bob Howard 04/07/2006

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just How Beneficial is Fish Omega-3 Oil For Your Health?

I assume all of you often heard about the fish omega 3 oil, but, do u really know how beneficial the fish omega-3 oil is? you've got to thank Rich Hawkins for sharing this knowledge about the oil.

I don't think there is a more versatile and exceptional natural substance out there than fish omega-3 oil. The range of proven health benefits is huge, with more being discovered all the time so here's a brief guide to the benefits and what to look for to get the very best.

Fish omega-3 oil is the very best source of the omega 3 fatty acids as it contains the two main ones, DHA and EPA in high amounts, with DHA being responsible for most of the associated benefits. Other sources like flaxseed oil provide you with ALA omega-3 which is not as effective and used differently by the body and is rarely converted into the more useful DHA. Cod liver oil omega-3 is not recommended either as it contains high levels of vitamin A which can be toxic at high doses.

So back to oil fish omega-3 oils and its two main fatty acids DHA and EPA. Whilst these are both important, it is the DHA that is responsible for most of the health benefits like prevention of heart disease, lower blood pressure, maintaining brain health, prevention of breast and prostate cancer and effective treatment of arthritis.

Experts advise that over 90% of us are deficient in these essential fats as they have to come from our diet as the body cannot make them, hence the "essential" tag. The best source is a fish oil supplement as it is not recommended to eat too much fresh fish today due to the risk of contamination from mercury, lead and arsenic which the fish carry.

A quality fish oil can provide you with all the health benefits and protection you need without any of the risks if it has been molecularly distilled. This is the process of removing the impurities and leaving only pure concentrated oil. Always check the fish omega-3 oil DHA content which should be around twice that of EPA for the maximum rewards with at least 250mg of DHA per fish oil tablet or soft gel. Many on the market contain far less so check the website or label carefully.

To significantly improve your health and mental well-being and to help avoid many of the degenerative diseases later in life, taking a daily fish omega-3 oil supplement as I have outlined will help you achieve that. If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega-3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

Discover the best fish omega-3 oil today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the very latest and effective DHA omega-3 fish oil supplements that Rich recommends after extensive research.

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Is Dieting Actually Harmful to Your Health?

You must read this useful article written by Jackie Summers before planning on a diet or weight loss program.

In a study performed by researchers in UCLA, it was suggested that dieting - be it low fat, low carb, low calorie...etc - may actually be harming you instead of helping you lose weight.

They analyzed results of more than 30 studies involving more than thousands of people who lost weight through dieting. They found that more than 60% of these people regained whatever they lost and opened themselves to risks of heart attacks.

Losing weight and then putting it back on (over and over again) is something called the "yo-yo" effect of dieting.

Medical professionals say that constantly losing and putting on weight repeatedly puts more stress on your heart and may lead to many other health problems like cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.

The UCLA researchers concluded that for a lot of people, it may be better not to diet at all. Instead, they suggested that exercise is the key for sustained weight loss. They added that studies have shown that people who reported doing the most exercise also showed the most weight loss.

However, don't take the findings of this study as an excuse not to follow a solid and nutritious eating plan though. The study may be a little misleading as the word "diet" may be used too loosely and will usually conjure up a very restrictive and/or starvation sort of eating plan. Fad diets that come and go may also spring to mind.

Diets that are very restrictive on certain food groups and starvation diets are never good for you.

Instead, a weight loss "diet" should always mean a solid eating plan consisting of natural, wholesome unprocessed foods and controlling your portion sizes. To lose weight in the most healthy and natural manner, following this eating plan is a MUST.

You also have to avoid deep fried foods, junk food and regular soda. These foods are high in fat and sugar and have no nutritional value. Try instead to eat more lean protein, fruits & vegetables and drink lots of water.

Remember, consistency is the key! Stick with a solid eating diet plan and an exercise program...and losing weight (in the most healthy way) is guaranteed!

About The Author:
Jackie Summers is a mother of 3 beautiful sons who lost 100 pounds in 8 months following the weight loss programs and information found in this website.

For shocking reviews of the best weight loss programs, diet plans, tips & tricks to burn fat fast and other excellent weight loss articles, please visit:

The above article is intended for information only and not intended as medical advice. Before you start any weight loss exercise program or diet plan, you should always consult your doctor or physician.

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How Learning to Cook Makes Your Life Easier and Improves Your Health

I found this great article on how learning to cook will make your life easier and healthier. Thanks to Betta Berlin for this fabulous article.

We need to eat, irrespective of how our cooking skills are. But many of us neglect to learn how to cook. We simply don't realize how important basic cooking skills are for our health. Your ability to cook can deny the need for unhealthy fast food (also saving you money) and ensure that your meals will contain a maximum of nutrients, a minimum of calories and no harmful substances, leaving you much healthier. And it can also save you time and make your life easier.

But if you would go for cooking lessons and learn how to cook, that would give you many great benefits. You could:

  1. prepare meals faster and with less effort
  2. even cook complicated meals that people will admire
  3. prepare food much healthier
  4. adapt recipes according to your need and even create your own ones
  5. teach your children to cook properly

1. Prepare meals faster and with less effort

When you have practiced a new skill for a while, things go much easier. The first time you drove a car was a battle. But after fifteen years of driving, you barely think about what you are doing.

It's the same with cooking. It's only difficult if you don't know what you have to do. Once you know, things will become easier, and after a while you won't even need a recipe for many things because you know what to do and how to do things best.

And when cooking becomes easier, you'll be faster too. A great advantage with the hectic schedule we have nowadays. You'll still be able to prepare healthy meals in this short time.

2. Cook more complicated meals

With your cooking skills, your ability to prepare more complicated dishes increases. After starting up with easy things like omelets, you can move on to some more challenging meals - because you have the knowledge and skills to handle these. And everyone who can't really cook will admire your stuffed turkey or three course meal.

3. Prepare food healthier

Some cooking techniques are healthier than others. If you know how to cook, you will be able to choose the one retaining most nutrients, how to cook with a minimum amount of fat and how to keep harmful substances out of your meals. You and your family will be healthier because you eat healthier.

4. Adapt and create recipes

Many recipes don't meet our needs properly. They contain ingredients that we don't like, don't have at home or can't get. They make too much or too little food, contain too much fat, or lack something. If you can't cook on your own, you are bound to your recipe. But if you do know, then you can simply adapt portion sizes, swap ingredients or reduce fat until the recipe meets your needs.

Even better, you can create your own recipes without even opening a recipe book, because you know how to prepare a certain kind of dish and how much of which ingredients you need.

5. Teach your children to cook

That's one of the greatest advantages of being a cook: the ability of teaching your children how to cook right, so that they can prepare healthy meals for themselves when leaving home. No need to send them for cooking lessons - you can teach them everything yourself.

These are just five great benefits of learning to cook. In a nutshell: If you have learned to cook, you can easily prepare healthy meals, even on a tight schedule, meals that perfectly meet your family's needs. And you can ensure that your children will have the same advantages when they go their own ways. That's why it's worth the effort learning to cook.

Bettina Berlin is a health professional specializing in healthy nutrition even on a tight schedule. Eating healthy and thus maintaining a healthy weight can significantly improve your health and help prevent many diseases. Is your life so hectic that preparing healthy food often seems impossible? Then visit today and get your FREE fast cooking tips and much delicious quick easy recipes!

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