Thursday, October 15, 2009

All You Need To Know About A Term Life Insurance Policy

Term life insurance is a life insurance policy with a definite period of time you are insured. At the end of term the life insurance policy ends. Term life insurance is a good type of plan if you are young and healthy and are looking for a plan that protects your beneficiaries in case of death. A term life insurance policy will usually have a very low monthly cost, sometimes as low as $10.00 a month, and can protect you for several hundred thousand dollars.

Comparing term life insurance is very easy. This is because a term life insurance policy is the simplest form of life insurance available. There are no complicated variables or options that come with the permanent plans. There are a few things you should do before comparing insurance policies.

1. Decide on the Length of Your Policy Since term life insurance has a set amount of years defined you need to set an amount of years you would like to be insured. You can get a term life insurance policy that covers you anywhere from 1 year to as many as 30 years.

2. Decide How Much Insurance You Want Knowing how much insurance you want is important. Since a term life insurance policy has a set amount of years and a set amount of coverage, getting a full quote is simple. To make sure you find the best deal when shopping for insurance make sure you keep the length and amount of your policy the same on all applications. That way you are not fooled into thinking you are getting a better deal by getting a different policy.

3. Shop Around Life insurance quotes are free. There is no need to jump at the very first quote you get. Shop around. Get a few quotes and make a good decision based on the needs of you and your family.

Some of the advantages to buying term life insurance are:

· Whole life insurance is expensive, due mainly to its investment aspect, while term life insurance is very affordable. Whole life insurance policies often cost thousands of dollars a year, as opposed to the mere hundreds of dollars a year that the majority of term life insurance policies cost consumers. For example, if you are a healthy, non-smoking 35 year old male, you can get 10-year, $100,000 term life insurance policy for as little as $8.50 a month (or as little as $8.08 a month for a comparable female).

· Term life insurance is simple to understand, and allows for personal choice. You pay a (low) monthly premium based on the term length and amount of coverage you choose. That's it. Simple. You can choose term lengths such as 10, 20 or 30 years, and coverage amounts anywhere from $100,000 to several million dollars.

· You can invest your hard-earned money yourself, rather than having an insurance company do it for you (which is what happens with whole life insurance). Insurance companies are often very conservative with how they invest your money. If you are at all savvy in investing, or good at saving, the extra money a whole life insurance policy costs may not be for you. Instead, buy a cheaper term life policy, and invest the money you saved yourself.

· Term life insurance is good for short-term needs. Two good examples of this are to cover your children's college education and to cover your mortgage. Parents could buy a policy that expires after their children graduate from college to ensure that the full education is paid for (in case anything happened to the parents). Or, the main breadwinner in a house could buy a term policy that matches the length of his or her home's mortgage.

Chris Simons is a prolific freelance writer. You are welcomed to visit, for more information on Life Insurance.

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